Sunday, November 1, 2009

Going UP!

We are coaching G's Upwards Soccer team this year and hence one more reason why I haven't been around much. It's been a lot of fun and I have even started learning the rules of the game as Assistant Coach. The best part of the whole thing is the personality of the kids. You never know what they are going to say. Last week one of the girls said to me..."You smell like something." and I said "like perfume?" and she said "Nooooooo HOT DOGS!" Huh? I don't even really eat hot dogs hmmmmm.
Bella is DYING to play, but for now she is somewhat content to goof off on the sidelines.
Coach takes his job very seriously. In fact the kids love playing kick the coach where Coach has to make animal sounds whenever they can hit him with their ball. The popular sound is "Alien" - not sure when that became an animal sound, but the kids love it.
Our main objective aside from having fun is just trying to get them all to run in the same general direction. They are awesome though!

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