Monday, November 29, 2010


I look at these pictures from Grand Parent's Day at the Pre-School and all I can think of is "Man my daughter is an amazon!" Her Uncle and Cousin on the husband's side are really really tall and I think she may have dipped into this gene pool. Tall girls are cool, right??? I always complain when I try on pants that they are too long and I could be at my current weight if I was like 4 or 5 inches taller - no problem. I mean, who cares if she towers over the boys at the middle school dance? She could get a volleyball or a basketball scholarship but too bad she wants to be a jockey or something else horse related.
They made ice cream which is the yearly tradition for Grand Parent's Day at the school. I tried this once with our friends who came over for dinner with their son when we first reconnected. It wasn't a pretty scene. It seemed like such a cool idea in theory, but in reality we wound up with cream all over the kitchen and the adults were tossing ice cold bags back and forth in their hands with ski gloves on. It was a true mess. I can't believe that they ever came back. It was quite frightening. So, if you come for dinner and want ice cream you may want to bring a pair of ski gloves and an apron.

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