Friday, January 30, 2009

Spilled Milk

Today was off to a brilliant start! I forgot the parent teacher conference at Bella's school, but she just turned 3 so really what could she be doing. The clincher was that meant she was out of school and there was no one to watch her..... but me. I thought I would be taking a couple of hours off, but it turned into 8. Instead of thinking about my mounting work we decided to make muffins and chili for a friend who was having a day much stinkier than my own.I turned my back just to hear Bella shout - I'm sorry! She dumped half of the gallon of milk all over the counter and down to the floor. She grabbed some rags to help clean up. The moral of the story - Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk. I'll keep that in mind for when I open my Outlook on Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh boo hoo! I hope your day picked up...she's so cute!